Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bryce Canyon and Ruby’s Inn receiving positive press

In the last week, there have been three articles in the news about Bryce Canyon, two of them mentioning Ruby’s Inn. The first, a column in The Coast News , a newspaper in Encinitas, California, describes the awe the writer felt as she hiked among Bryce Canyon’s colorful hoodoos. She stayed at Ruby’s Inn during her trip. She is complimentary of our hotel. She even relates some of our history. The next article about Bryce Canyon within the last week appeared in The Salt Lake Tribune . The article lists Bryce Canyon National Park as one of Utah’s seven natural wonders. Another Salt Lake Tribune article tells about the late Bob Syrett, an owner of Ruby’s Inn, being honored for his work in Utah tourism at the Utah Tourism Conference in Salt Lake City last week. Come join us this spring, summer or fall so Bryce Canyon can inspire you and you can take advantage of the excellent accommodations at our Bryce Canyon hotel!

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