Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hikers feel like they are on another planet while exploring Bryce Canyon

A contributing writer for a community newspaper in New Jersey recently wrote an article about her experience hiking in Bryce Canyon National Park, saying she felt as if she were in a story by Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451 and Something Wicked This Way Comes. She said she felt like she was on Mars in one section of the popular Navajo Loop Trail. She described some of Bryce Canyon’s hoodoos as “giant rocky snow people wearing flat hats.” That is the beauty of hiking the park’s trails. You let your imagination run wild deciding what you think the park’s formations resemble, whether it is a dog, a tool, or a ship. Another recent article touted Bryce Canyon as one of the best national parks in North America, saying that it is “renowned as the most colorful of national parks.” Now that it is summer, it is the perfect time to hike park trails and discover the “rocky snow people” yourself.

1 comment:

Redhoodoos said...

Hi. I googled blogs about Bryce Canyon and found yours. Nice. I love Bryce and Ruby's Inn - very nice hotel and people.

Do you happen to know any of the history of Georgetown (by Cannonville)? I'm curious to know any information about the abandoned house near the cemetery.

Anyway, great blog.
